Pengakuan Seorang Pelacur

Pengakuan Seorang Pelacur | Release Date: 19 November 2010 (Indonesia) | Country: Indonesia| Language: Indonesian | Genres: Drama | Subtitle: N/A | Size: 250MB | File: Mkv

Plot: The love story was never finished to preserve. Ranging from paintings, photographs, literature, songs, and film. This time RECOGNITION OF A PROSTITUTE mengisahkankisah love human beings caught up in social status. A perundingpelaburan Bankers, Michael (Andreano Philip) did not think would meet denganseorang prostitute named Jenny (Jenny Cortez). Their meeting occurred while they were both staying at a hotel. Jennymenginap to serve the guests, while Michael stayed for urusanperniagaan. The relationship that began with the accidental finding titikkecocokan. When love blossomed and Michael believes apply Jenny, then Jennymerasa need to reveal his work as a prostitute. He was afraid mengecewakanMichael and their families who have been so good to him. MenerimaJenny also sincerely and terbuka.Sejatinya Michael menyedari status and a privileged position, akantercoreng by its relationship with Jenny. Although kemanusiaannyabergolak instinct and desire to give Jenny a chance to repent. In sebuahwawancara, Michael emphatically illustrates tunanganya. Feeling bersalahkepada Michael, Jenny designed to confession in the event that samadenagn Michael. In his confession Jenny tells the story.






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